Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Better late than never... December in Pictures!

Well, HELLO there!!  It has been way too long since my last post and my sincere apologies for that! Many FUN and EXCITING things have happened and I must admit that I have been a little preoccupied....  On December 21st, I became engaged!!!!  Kevin and I are over the moon and excited for this next chapter in our lives!  For those who may be reading and not know our story... the short version is that we met at a mutual friend's wedding and danced the night away! We even have a few pictures from that first night and they are included in the collage below!  :)

I thought that this blog post would be more of an "at a glance" type post, sharing the highlights of my classroom from December.

This bulletin board was inspired by the Stocking Stuffers community building activity over at TGIF! - Thank God It's First!  One of my team members, Shelley, shared this resource with me and it was an absolute gem! My firsties really loved this activity and the idea of getting special "holiday mail" from their classmates. As a teacher, it was awesome to witness the time and effort each student was putting forth to write a special and cheerful note to each one of their classmates.

Are your students as obsessed with Legos as mine are?!  As we approached the holiday break, I realized that my students needed a little more motivation to stay on task and engage in expected classroom behaviors... who's didn't?!?  Ha!  With that, I decided that getting our own class set of Legos and borrowing more from a teacher friend in the building would be just the right incentive for my firsties and help me keep my sanity until the holiday break arrived!  :)

(P.S.... it worked!!)

This picture was taken the night before our "special delivery" arrived!  This was my first year having a classroom elf and so I borrowed many of the ideas outlined on Kreative in Kinder's: The Elf is BACK! post.  Her post was great was a "first timer" and I was all over the idea to put the elf in the freezer the night before and when I got to school the morning of his debut!  My firsties absolutely LOVED feeling the cold package before we opened our special delivery!!

After taking a vote shortly after our class elf's arrival, he became known as Chippey (just like the elf from the DVD) and he certainly did not waste any time engaging in mischief around our classroom.  The picture above is just one of the many #Elfcapades of Chippey!  I will never forget my firsties' faces each morning as they arrived to see what new mischief Chippey had been up to during the night.

Here are a few more of his #Elfcapades!

Annnd, the grand finale.... Chippey TP'd our classroom on the last day before break!

One of the last days before break was Polar Express PJ Day!  I snapped this photo before the kiddos arrived and gave it the caption: "Starbucks & wearing your PJs to school...winning!"  :)

Thanks for stopping by!  It's oh-so-good to be back!!