Tuesday, October 14, 2014


So this past weekend was a 3-day one for my school district!  Boy, oh boy!!  I was super excited for an extra day to sleep in, get my house in order, and.... drum roll, open up my own TpT store.  Check out my post - I'm a teacher-preneur - to see my first FREEBIE product!

With all of this "extra" time (what's that?!) on my hands this weekend, I decided to revamp some old files and create some new TpT products.  As geeky as it sounds (For those that don't know me, I had a Nerdy 30 birthday party this year so I'm all about calling myself out on a "nerd alert"!  Ha!), I really enjoyed figuring out how to re-create my old files and make them "TpT worthy" (not a real thing, but kind of a real thing).  I literally spent a couple of hours learning how to use and incorporate clipart, borders, fonts, fair use policies, PowerPoint gadgets, the list goes on.  I had a blast!

I've included the cover pages of my two newest products below.  Click on each picture for a direct link to it in my TpT store.

This product contains 2 PDF versions of a mini-quiz on basic hurricane unit content.  One version, contains 10 varying types of questions on the content of this unit.  The second is an accommodated version I created for a former student with an IEP, containing 5 questions and a reduced number of answer choices.  An answer key is also provided for each version of the quiz.

This 10-question quiz covers content related to a unit on the earth, moon, and sun.  Multiple choice and true/false questions are found in this assessment.  An answer key is also provided.

I really like how the cover page of the Earth, Moon, and Sun quiz turned out.  It may even inspire me to create some sort of product bundle in the near future.  Maybe?!

// Credits for clipart, fonts, and borders can be found on each product's TpT store page. //

Thanks again for stopping by!  I even hope it leads you to my "baby TpT store" from time to time.  Suggestions, comments, and questions are always welcome via email: msgartmangoestofirstgrade@gmail.com.

Have a great week!! 


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